Hygienic conformity!
Low quality filters, insufficient examination and servicing of air handling units can create even a hotbed for fungi and bacteria. Did your know.... [more]
New air filter standard EN779:2011 accepted!
The last hurdle has taken by the end of March, 2011. The new version of EN779:2011 was accepted by the member countries CEN with 21 yeses and 9 abstentions. Now the national organisations must implement this standard into a... [more]
Compact filter "ripac" ... for high air volumes!
Pocket filters are only good for limited air flow rates. If it`s over limit, the pocket filter will fail the filter class and life time will be very short. The high pessure drop will cause additional expenses for energy. For... [more]
Filters with high energy efficiency!
The main operating costs for a air handling unit is the electrical energy (el. motor drive/ venti). Note, that the pressure drop difference of only 1Pa causes additional costs of more than € 1,- to 2,- so..... [more]
Taschenfilter "extrem" - Innovation!
Mit Anfang 2010 präsentiert filter express die Taschenfilter Innovation Produktelinie "extrem"!Dieser neue Filter unterscheidet sich durch seine eigenstabilen, selbsttragenden Taschen. Selbst bei gröbster Verschmutzung bleibt... [more]
Extraordinary quality (Kopie 1)
Renewed certificate: The Quality Management System of filtex covers development, manufacturing,...
Massive improvement of filtration efficiency!
New: filtercells "pleatline" provides 40% higher filter efficiency! .......high-strength,...
[Translate to english:] Groppartikelfilter - Glasfaser - deutlich besser!
[Translate to english:] filtex® präsentiert neu den führenden Grobstaubfilter für alle Anwendungen...