Know how


Hierarchy of liability:

Standardization institutes and trade associations issue norms and guidelines corresponding to the actual sand of technology.

These standards are recommendations. Planners use this standards as a guideline  for technological products, layouts, machines, buildings... and invitation of tenders.


In case of disputes, the court will fall back on the standard of the up to date norms (actual stand of  technology).

On the basis of norms and guidelines, national guidelines and laws are issued. The laws shall guarantee the observance of the standards and shall make it controllable and make offences punishable.


Norms and standards from different sources:

The corresponding standard for filter classification you find under register  "Filterclasses" 

There is a wide range of different standards subject to different topics, such as:
Clean room classification, hygienic demands, Chec ups, service demands, layout guidelines for the construction of air handling units, etc. 

The mainly used standards and norms can vary from country to country. It is always up to the planner to choose norms and standards and to make a project subject to this standards.

EN13779 Classification of air quality in buildings (no apartment houses), substitutes DIN1946-2 since 2005 Europ
ÖNORM H6021 Air handling and air conditioning units, planning, construction, servicing, hygienics, control... Austria
SWKI Richtlinien Seiss society of building service engineering Swiss
ÖNORM H6020 hospital and medical institutes Austria
VDI Richtlinien Society of german engineers Germany
ISO14644 Clean room classification World
VDI6022 Hygienic guidline Europ, worldwide
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