Know how
Improve Energy Efficiency:

filtex ® generates unique customer benefits by trained and designated specialists in filter technology and its application.
The TFM-Optimization Process is certificated according ISO9001:2008
With the "Profit Calculator" our representatives can calculate the customer benefit in cash individually!
Premium products and "Energy-Savers" provide a significant rise in Energy Efficiency!
Energy efficient filters:
The pocket filters of the product line “durotex” show the highest energy efficiency. The diagramme shows the clear difference to customary filters.
By substitution with energy-efficient "durotex" pocket filters you can save 20,- € to 36,- € per each single filter.
This expands the life time and reduces the operating expenses significantly.
It is also a valuable contribution to the environment protection - so the “durotex” filters are recommended for ecological profit certificated companies.
filtex® offers filters with high energy efficiency for every product group (pocket filters, filter cells, HEPA filters, etc.)
Choose filters with the highest energy efficiency.
Our specialists will advise you.
Please keep in mind! "☼ Energy Saver" printed on the product label, stands for products on highest of energy efficiency level.
Energy efficiency:
The higher the pressure drop of filters, damper register etc., the higher is the required electric energy for the engine / ventilating fan driving. The overall pressure drop is the sum of the pressure drops of the channel system, heat exchanger, heat recovery, ventilation flaps, sound absorber, other parts and finally the air filters. With increasing pollution in particular the pressure drop of the filters rises (however, also heat exchanger and heat recovery).
Formula: ((V [m³/h] x dP [Pa]) / (3600 x 1000 x N)) xT [h] x P [€/kWh]
Example: Pocket filter with 3.400m³/h per filter and common life time... from this follows energy expenses on pressure drop of 1-1,8 €/Pa.
The EN799 test procedure has an appendix to define the Energy rating acc. to Eurovent.
The annual energy consumption per filter can be calculated approximately. (yearly energy consumption at nominal flow rate)
Please note! The values are approximate calculations from the EN779 admission tests. Praxis can show divergent results.
Cost effect - extended life time
We can prolongate the life time of filters also by use of special media or more filter surface. The intervalls for filter change will be longer.
Filters with high Energy Efficiency normally have enlarged filter surfaces and special filter media. Cost saving by Energy Efficiency goes hand in hand with cost saving by longer life time.
Total cost calculation:
The whole operating expenses of an air conditioning system consist to a large part of energy expenses for the heating and motor drive plus maintenance costs. The expenses for filters are proportionately very low.
A practical example of a hotel in Vienna – Austria is shown in the diagramme. This shows the calculation for a hotel with three air handling units, each operating with 24,000 m ³/ hour, recirculation air 20%, heat recovery with 50% efficiency. The filter expenses (filter plus additional costs to waste disposal) are only 3% of the total costs.
But the filter quality can have a very big effect also on the other cost shares. In this example out of the optimisation by filtex resulted total cost savings of 2,800€/year.
Total cost shares:
- Energy costs for heating
- Electrical Energy costs for motor drive
- Maintainance costs (Serviceing, check ups, cleaning...)
- Filter (Filter costs, purchasing, stock keeping, filter change, waste..)